Bible detail of John 1:12 , a popular New Testament passage


Please sit and get comfortable. As you read please focus so God can whisper in your ear. What’s on God’s mind for you this year? Holy Spirit thank you for your presence and please make it clear. You are not waiting on God. God is waiting on you (2 Peter 3:9 NIV). Whatsoever you ask the Father in Jesus name He will do (John 14:13 NKJV). The harvest is plenty but the laborers are few (Matthew 9:37 ESV). What’s going on in your life that you want to be made new? If you could speak to the man who sat at the pool of Bethesda John 5:1-9 (NKJV), the Centurion Matthew 8:5-13(NIV), Lazarus John 12:2(NIV), and many others they will tell you that Jesus always comes through. What’s dead in your life that needs to be resurrected (John 11:25 MSG)? Will you invite Jesus into your heart this year so that He can inspect it? (Revelation 3:20 KJV).

Are you a laborer, nonparticipator or a spectator? Jesus chose twelve disciples but Judas was the inside traitor. Jesus will be giving out rewards to faithful participators (Revelation 22:12 NIV). How many lost souls in hell said they would repent later?! Selah!

Do you know Jesus? Are you a disciple? You can tell by current events people need revival. How many of you are ready to be free from your vicious cycle? Please keep reading the answer is in the Bible (Romans 5:8-9 NIV). Some are born again while others still sleep. How many of you belong to Jesus? How many of you will Satan get to keep? Satan walks around as a roaring lion preying on the weak (1 Peter 5:8 NLT). The lambs need milk but the sheep need meat (1 Peter 2:2 NLT and Hebrews 5:11-14 ESV).

Please don’t tell me that you were unaware. Anyone who isn’t a child of Jesus belongs to the prince of the power of the air (1 John 3:8 NIV). Every child of God is a joint heir (Romans 8:17 NIV). The dogs eat the crumbs from their masters table. Jesus is willing and Jesus is able (Matthew 15:26-28 NIV). Jesus was crucified so your life can be stable. Stable with the Father. Stable in your mind. Stable in your finances. Stable in your body. Prior to their encounter with Jesus, Mary Magdeline, the woman from Samaria and Peter felt like nobodies.

Once they met Jesus they couldn’t help but tell everybody. Jesus is the word made flesh and the Messiah (John 1:14 NLT). Soloman’s temple was built in Jerusalem on Mt. Moriah. No one in hell gets to come up higher (Luke 16:19-26 NIV). They all fell prey to the first liar. Jesus knew them and they each had purpose. Do you understand what the Spirit of Truth is teaching in these verses (John 16:13 ESV)?

In the Kingdom of God all of his children have destiny and function (Psalm 138:8 ESV). God loves you unconditionally irrespective of your dysfunction (John 3:16 NLT). After encountering Jesus the man with the withered hand no longer had a malfunction (Matthew 3:1-6 KJV). Salvation is too important to be left up to presumption. How many people reject Jesus because of an assumption?

For this New Year what are your goals? What’s going to be different? What are your aspirations? The Pharisees and Sadducee’s didn’t receive Jesus because of jealousy and regulations. Believe and you will receive (Matthew 21:22 KJV). With God there are no limitations. What do you need Jesus to do? What are your expectations?

He who comes to Christ must believe that He is (Hebrews 11:6 KJV). He is the Son of God. He is the Bread of Life. He is the Prince of Peace. In His presence winds and storms have to cease. If any of you want real change put God to the test. When you trust in Him he will give your soul rest (John 14:27 NIV). When you are at your weakest that’s when His strength is at its best ( 2 Corinthians 12:9 ESV). Aren’t you tired of doing things your way? How far has that gotten you (Luke 5:5 NASB)? Mary Magdeline and Peter were frustrated just like you.

Saul was wrong although he thought he was right. After he encountered Jesus he began a new fight. After he encountered Jesus his heart was made right. After he encountered Jesus he began to write (Acts 9:1-19 NIV). After Nicodemus met Jesus he knew Jesus was right. You need an encounter with the Son of man. Ask Jesus and He will show you the perfect plan. Just one encounter with Jesus and He will change your sight. Just like Paul are you beginning to see the Light? What you need is revelation from God’s perspective. The Holy Spirit will help you to avoid the misdirectives.

Only the blood of Christ can change your imperfections. If you follow the world I guarantee you that’s misdirection (Romans 12:2 KJV). When you look in the mirror can Jesus see his reflection? Everyone in hell is now willing to accept the Lord’s correction. It’s too late for them but it’s not too late for you. Jesus is here. What are you going to do? Deuteronomy 30:19(NLT).

Christ makes the unjust just. In order to be born again repentance is a must. How does one become born again? It’s FAITH & TRUST (Romans 10:19 NASB). Father God there are some people reading these words that don’t believe. They’ve had so many trials and tribulations it’s hard for them to conceive. Some are bound by religion and they’ve been deceived (Matthew 23 NLT). Father in Jesus’ name I pray they receive Him before it’s time for them to leave. Many feel confused, lost and abandoned. The Holy Spirit is pointing them to your son who has never left anyone stranded (John 14:26 NIV).

When we pray according to your will Father our prayers are granted (1 John 5:14-15 NASB). Jesus is the Good Samaritan ( Luke 10:25-37 NIV). Sin has caused America to look un-American. When God looks at you and his son can he find any comparisons? Satan robbed us and left humanity wounded ( Ezekiel 28:15-15 KJV). Because of Satan and sin we became excluded (Genesis 3:22-24 GNT). Because of the crucifixion of Jesus we are all included (Ephesians 2:8 ESV).
Sin plus flesh makes the soul polluted (Romans 3:23-24 NIV). A double minded person has a soul that’s diluted (James 1:8 NLT).

Because of sin Adam and Eve got extruded. There’s only one way to heaven and that’s undisputed (John 14:6 NLT). The lost souls in Gehenna can no longer refute it. Jesus Christ is here but is your vision clear? Jesus Christ is here do you believe what you’re reading? He’s still saving souls and he’s interceding (Romans 8:34 NIV). He’s risen and seated. Satan, death and the grave have been defeated (Revelation 1:18 ESV). If you don’t repent on judgment day you will have to eat it.

Father the word has been sown. How many readers belong to you and their life is no longer their own? At the top of the year will you make a resolution? Thank you Jesus for being our substitution (Romans 4:25 NIV). Write your vision down and make it clear (Habakkuk 2:2 NIV). If you draw nigh to God He will draw near (James 4:8 KJV). Lets bow our heads in prayer as we start this New Year. Father in Jesus’ name we confess our sins. We repent for not making you first. Help us Holy Spirit to fulfill Gods plan for our lives and His purpose. Help us to be salt and light. Help us to pray more and help others. Help us to not be conformed to this world. Help us to exemplify Christ in all we say and do. Thank you God for our health. Thank you God for peace of mind. Thank you God for provision. This last prayer is for those who have yet to make the most important decision. God I confess my sin. I believe that Jesus died for my sin. Jesus I accept you as my Lord and Savior.